Category Archives: Technical Information

This Category is intended to gather links and information sets about Winlink, DStar, Fusion, DMS, and other communication systems and software used for Emergency Communication

Carl Collins’ (NT5CC) Digital Station for Winlink and VHF Packet

nt5cc-digi-station-1The digital station here consists of an Icom 208H for VHF & Kenwood TSB2000.  Kantronics KAM XL (Bad choice) for VHF TNC & SignaLink soundcard for HF.  Unknown at the time but the KAM XL does not support RMS (Winlink) Express WINMOR.  Does a fine job with packet though.  I usually use the Kantronics KPC 3+ but got a good deal on the KAM XL.   Running HRD for rig control and RMS Packet for the Winlink gateway.  The gateway runs 24/7 unless I’m playing radio with some of the other digital modes.
Documentation for this setup is readily available and more than adequate for most anyone to follow.  This system has run flawlessly for years except for the computer which was old to start with and recently replaced.   I really like the Icom 208H as it has a data port (doubles as the ext. speaker plug) and is a simple, straight forward 50 watt dual band radio.  I use it for the Leon Co. EOC packet station as well.


Drats (D…star backwards)

…is a software package intended to handle the digital messaging needs of DStar networks.  It does chat, sends forms and occupies the same bandwidth as the voice channel on the repeater…Handy…Here is the address for the current Daily upload…works with W10

Here is a link to DRats information, which is the program needed to manage the communications over the data port.  It handles chat, files and ratflectors too…gota check that out, might be useful for EMMCOMM

ICOM 880 Low Speed Data

Hook up an ICOM 880H for Data

(We Hope this works, but don’t have local confirmation yet…!)

Download (PDF, 101KB)

I believe the RTS Programming AND Data cable will also work…


Here is a link to DRats, which is the program needed to manage the communications over the data port.  It handles chat, files and ratflectors too…gota check that out, might be useful for EMMCOMM

DStar Information

This Post area is intended to bring interesting DStar information to the attention of the users of the site…Here is the first post…

by Brian Roode, NJ6N
Platform: Windowsd*Chat is a Windows based keyboard to keyboard communication application that uses the D-STAR “DV” data capability. d*Chat is used to enable text-based communication between multiple stations on a simplex frequency or through a repeater.   Check out this free and very useful IM chat tool for the Icom D-STAR system. Basic, non-internet dependent software helps in emergency communications. See it here in action