Carl Collins’ (NT5CC) Digital Station for Winlink and VHF Packet

This Category is intended to gather links and information sets about Winlink, DStar, Fusion, DMS, and other communication systems and software used for Emergency Communication
This fellow (N3FJP) is the one who wrote the Logging software that W5AC uses for contesting. It works and does a good job. In addition, he has developed a set of settings that seem to get different rigs configured properly to work with his software.
I believe the RTS Programming AND Data cable will also work…
Here is a link to DRats, which is the program needed to manage the communications over the data port. It handles chat, files and ratflectors too…gota check that out, might be useful for EMMCOMM
This Post area is intended to bring interesting DStar information to the attention of the users of the site…Here is the first post…
by Brian Roode, NJ6N
Platform: Windowsd*Chat is a Windows based keyboard to keyboard communication application that uses the D-STAR “DV” data capability. d*Chat is used to enable text-based communication between multiple stations on a simplex frequency or through a repeater. Check out this free and very useful IM chat tool for the Icom D-STAR system. Basic, non-internet dependent software helps in emergency communications. See it here in action
Here is a series covering how one system of radios and TNC’s are used for hospital communications. Thanks to Mark Hnatiuk for finding these
First video in the series 1-MeterSinc Winlink on YouTube