Brazos County ARES
Brazos County ARES is part of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) organization. We are part of the West Gulf Division of ARRL, and are in the South Texas Section (STX) of the West Gulf Division. The STX ARES group keeps the membership and training records database for all its members. An application form can also be found there.
Our Emergency Coordinator is Ron Hambric, N5SBN
Our relationship to the Brazos County Emergency Management organization is outlined in Department of Emergency Management .pdf document Emergency Management Annex B.
Membership is voluntary, and you do NOT have to be an ARRL member to join. You can contact one of the officers or just fill out the membership form under the register new member link near the bottom left hand side of the page, and we will contact you.
Send email to the Leadership group
[email protected]
(leave out the periods)
EC Ron Hambric N5SBN Emergency coordinator
AEC Mike Wisby KA5HIA CEOC and DDC
AEC Dick Zimmer W5DZ Net Manager
AEC Bruce Smith WA5DVO Hospitals
AEC Rick Pfell W4RDP Trailers
AEC Ron Estes KJ5EFO Skywarn